How much does zoom teeth whitening cost
How much does zoom teeth whitening cost

how much does zoom teeth whitening cost

During tooth formation (which occurs during utero and childhood) our teeth can also be affected by medications that we (or our pregnant mothers) take, such as tetracycline. It can soak up and accumulate stains from everything between the coffee you drink in the morning to the tomato sauce on your dinner plate. Even then, some people’s enamel is naturally darker than others.Įnamel is also porous.

how much does zoom teeth whitening cost how much does zoom teeth whitening cost

If you have thinner enamel, your teeth may appear more yellow than you like. The outer layer of our teeth is made up of enamel, which is much whiter than the underlying yellow layer comprised of dentin. Just like your skin and hair, teeth have their own slightly unique colour and hue that make each person different than the next. Karen Davis Dentistry, best dentist in Sarnia and get started! What Causes Tooth Discoloration? If you have dark or discoloured teeth and are looking for immediate results, then a ZOOM teeth whitening treatment in Sarnia is definitely your best choice! Call Dr. Having whiter teeth will significantly improve the way you feel about yourself, how you look in photos and even when you’re laughing around friends! ZOOM teeth whitening is an excellent and affordable option for a smile makeover! Well, if that’s the case, you probably already know… Thinking about brightening your smile with ZOOM teeth whitening in Sarnia? ZOOM Teeth Whitening in Sarnia: What It Costs & How It Works

How much does zoom teeth whitening cost